- Talk to your neighbours and ask them to call the police if they see the abuser; provide a picture and/or model of their car if necessary
- If possible, request that police put a “premise history” on your address. This will provide additional information for officers responding to a call.
- When parking, reverse your car so that you can make a quick exit if necessary
- Inform a trusted friend or family member of your whereabouts when you leave your residence.
- Install a peep hole (that your children can see through as well) in the door
- Change the locks on your doors (you may need to inform the landlord if you are renting or your lawyer if you own your home before taking this action).
- Install a chain or clasp lock to prevent doors from being opened. Ensure these locks are away from children’s reach
- Keep doors and windows locked at all times. Insert a long rod or wood plank in sliding doors to prevent them from being opened
- Install an electronic alarm system or purchase a dummy alarm from a local home hardware store
Planning Your Safety in the Home

Mobile Use
If it is safe to do so: ensure all devices are password protected, if safe to do so. Keep your password private. Ensure your …

Planning Your Safety in the Home
Talk to your neighbours and ask them to call the police if they see the abuser; provide a picture and/or model of their car …
Human Trafficking
The Peel Human Trafficking Service Providers Committee includes the meaningful involvement of victims/survivors and is a …

How to Leave Safely
The following are protective actions you may wish to consider if you are living with or planning to leave a residence you …

Safe Use – Internet
Clear browsing and search history as often as you can. Change all passwords and do not enable “remember my password”. …

Safety With Children
Pick a safe room/place with your child, preferably with a lock on the door and a phone that they will go to when the potential …