Safety Planning

Ideas presented on this website are intended to provide general ideas and tips. Every suggestion may not work for you or be the safest option.

A safety plan represents possible strategies that can increase your safety and prepare you in advance for the possibility of further violence or abuse. You cannot control someone else’s behaviour but you can take steps towards increasing your own safety and well-being as well as the safety and well-being of your children and loved ones.

The following are general protective actions you may wish to consider if you are living with or planning to leave a residence you share with an abusive person(s). However, it is important to create a detailed safety plan that is personalized to your situation. Please call us at 905.450.4650 to talk about your safety plan.

How to Leave Safely

The following are protective actions you may wish to consider if you are living with or planning to leave a residence you …

Safe Use – Internet

Clear browsing and search history as often as you can. Change all passwords and do not enable “remember my password”. …

Mobile Use

If it is safe to do so: ensure all devices are password protected, if safe to do so. Keep your password private. Ensure your …

Safety With Children

Pick a safe room/place with your child, preferably with a lock on the door and a phone that they will go to when the potential …

Human Trafficking

The Peel Human Trafficking Service Providers Committee includes the meaningful involvement of victims/survivors and is a …

Planning Your Safety in the Home

Talk to your neighbours and ask them to call the police if they see the abuser; provide a picture and/or model of their car …