Category: <span>Confidence</span>

Put yourself on the first place

Individual treatment is often termed as psychotherapy, and is meant to help people with their emotional issues, which can range in order of their severity or intensity. The main aim of this form of therapy is to change the quality of life by defining the path of life clearly, and bringing in more clarity. Whether it is the problem of repressed childhood that you are facing, or an emotional breakdown due to divorce, failure or loss of a loved one, a professional psychologist can help you revive your mental health through systematic counselling.

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Spend more time with your children and improve their confidence

In today’s competitive world, sleep is more of a luxury than a necessity. Sleep is important for the well being, both emotionally and physically for an individual. Insufficient sleep or no sleep has long lasting health and psychological disorders. If you have been experiencing insomnia, it may be due to a number of factors, including stress, anxiety or depression. In order to address your sleep problem, it is best to consult an experienced psychologist who can help you change your behaviour, manage feelings and emotions that may interfere with your sleep.



Documented information is held by Catholic Family Services Peel Dufferin. The intake agency and Catholic Family Services Peel Dufferin hold all information...
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Child Minding Services

We offer free child minding to those who are seeking services at the centre. Your child will be cared for by an experienced staff member, who will provide them...
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Navigation Services

Our Client Navigator team is here to support you throughout your journey. The Client Navigators will be your main point of contact as you access services and supports.
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