The Safe Centre of Peel’s core program aims to provide efficient wraparound services to adults who have experiences of violence and abuse. We provide you with the information and expertise you need to make the choices that are best for you and your family. Our multidisciplinary team works together in order to reduce retraumatization from the retelling of stories and further victimization. Ideally, you would tell your story once and be able to access the multitude of services available onsite and offsite without having to repeat yourself. We want to take the guesswork out of social services and supports.
Our Client Navigator team is here to support you throughout your journey. The Client Navigators will be your main point of contact as you access services and supports. They will check in as required, ensure service needs are being met, and ensure that safety plans are being updated as needed. Navigation supports are offered for both internal and external community resources.
For more information about how the Safe Centre of Peel can support you, please call 905.450.4650